Prada or Nada... The New Boob Experience
Read all about my personal boob augmentation experience from start to month four :)
The 411 on Lip Injections
Hey babes! I hope you all are having a great start to your week! It is officially APRIL! I couldn't be more thrilled that Spring is right...
My First Time Getting Laser Hair Removal at Ideal Image!
Hey babes! I hope you all are having a kick ass start to your New Year! I'm so sorry I took such a long personal leave from blogging......
Easy At Home Whitening for Sensitive Teeth
Babes! It's Giveaway time! I love being able to engage with you all via these fun collaborations! Especially when the products are as...
Oh La Lashes!
Hey babes! Spring is OFFICIALLY here and I couldn't be more excited about it :) Out of all the seasons this one is my favorite! Hopefully...