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Blueberry Yum Yum & Chocolate Chip Haze Protein Cookie Bowls!



Hi guys!

I am finally back to writing and creating content again! I've honestly been going thru a lot of personal things/changes, and needed to take a break from everything. I was lucky enough to be able to take a break and take a fun birthday getaway trip with Carly, and am finally situated again, which means it's GO time.

Carby Carly and Fatty Maddie are back!

Carly and I have been baking our little hearts out so that we have a ton of fun recipes to share with our foodie babes! Carl has some more super yummy concepts coming up for the holiday's so make sure you stay tuned to There's Moore to it for some healthier dessert options for holiday parties and family get togethers!


Introducing the

Light Up Your Bowls:

Blueberry Yum Yum & Chocolate Haze Cookie bowls

Nutritional Value:

Serving Size: 2

Cookies: 280 calories, 50 g of protein

Chocolate Haze Cookie Bowl:

What you need:

1 scoop vanilla quest protein (110 cals)

4 tbsp chocolate PB2 (90 Cals)

2 egg whites (34 cals)

1/4 cup stevia

1 tbsp sugar free chocolate chips (45 cals)

Tip: Add a bit of water for texture (thicker the better)

Blueberry Yum Yum Cookie Bowl:

What you need:

2 scoop vanilla quest protein (200 cals)

2 tbsp normal PB2 (45 Cals)

2 egg whites (34 cals)

1/4 cup stevia

Handful of blueberries (45 cals)

Honey on top to taste


Difficulty Level: Beginner's

-First off you will want to get two glass bowls and spray them with cooking spray so that your cookie doesn't stick to the inner rim.

-Secondly, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

-You will then want to mix all of the given ingredients into 2 separate bowls, and stir until the batter is thick. If you add too much water, feel free to add more protein or PB2 to help fix the consistency.

-Once you are finished mixing your bowls together, put it in your oven for 5-10 minutes. We let ours be a little gooey on the top for the blueberry bowl, but that's up to you whether you like it more crispy or not!

And voilà! A kick ass low carb cookie in less then 30 minutes!

PS.. Don't tell anyone we told you.. but a scoop of the Vanilla Bean Halo Top is KILLER on these cookies right when they're fresh out da oveeennn ;)





Stay tuned for more delicious recipes!


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